Lumien mondi oltre i libri

Foreign rights

Dear publishing friends,

here you can download our rights catalogue in PDF format with the english presentation of our books.

Lumien catalogue for foreign rights

Lumien is an Italian publisher specializing in fantasy and science fiction. It was founded with the mission of promoting stories and authors from our country and has three collections: Scaglie, dedicated to fantasy novels; Zenit, dedicated to science fiction novels; and Lanterne, dedicated to manuals and non-fiction on the field of publishing and the fantastic.

We believe in our authors and their books, which we scrupulously select, choosing the strongest authorial voices and the most original and best-orchestrated stories, and which we take care of in the smallest aspect, from editing to graphic design. We work to promote these stories not only to domestic readers, but also abroad, making ourselves advocates of the value of the Italian fantastic: our dream is to see their incredible stories on bookshelves all over the world.

Because the Italian fantastic has nothing to envy to the foreign fantastic!

Contact us for the foreign rights of our books

If you already have the details of the book you would like to enquire about, please contacts us in the form below.

Otherwise for any queries write to:

For film, television, radio and stage rights, please contact:

Alvise Canal


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